Computer is having a video card DDproblem, we are concidering on buying a new video card, but we have spent so much on this computer that we are not in the mood to waste our money for it.
So---- we will start donations soon.. We need a minimum of 100USD.
Other option: using our warranty and send the computer for 2-4weeks to the maitence company to do it for us.. but we turned that offer down because we know you all dont want to wait 2-4 weeks for the server...
SO---- we are currently doing Temp-Fixes on the video card to try and help as much as we can, this temp-fixes usaully only last 5-10hours, but is said if we do it many times it may end up fully fixing by itself.
we are trying our best now!
The server will be down for the nights, if the DDproblem happens in night, like tonight.(September 04,2008). we are extremely sorry!
We love hpmagicwow! and we love you guys! Thanks for helping!